Micro Magic European championships 2024

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Micro Magic European championships 2024

Post by Geert264 »

This topic is devoted to the Micro Magic European championships 2024. The championship will be held at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, The Netherlands from Friday Sep 6 til Sunday Sep 8 2024.
Via this topic, we can share information around the organization of this event. There is also the opportunity to ask questions here.

Dit topic is gewijd aan de Micro Magic Europese kampioenschappen 2024. Het kampioenschap wordt gehouden op de High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, Nederland van vrijdag 6 september tot en met zondag 8 september 2024.
Via dit topic kunnen we informatie delen rondom de organisatie van dit evenement. Er is ook de mogelijkheid om vragen te stellen.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2017, 23:19

Re: Micro Magic European championships 2024

Post by Geert264 »

The NOR (Notice of Race) is available in 4 languages: English, French, Spanish and German. The English version of the NOR remains leading.
It can be found in the MMI site, link below.

De NOR (Notice of Race) is beschikbaar in 4 talen: Engels, Frans, Spaans en Duits. De Engelse versie van de NOR blijft leidend.
Het is te vinden op de MMI-site, link hieronder.

English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nRzqhy ... nZyVT/view
Nederlands: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nRzqhy ... nZyVT/view
Deutsch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eK7RiO ... sp=sharing
Español: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1htv1ER ... sp=sharing
Francais: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SBnOI1 ... sp=sharing
Last edited by Geert264 on 24 Apr 2024, 21:35, edited 4 times in total.
Posts: 68
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Re: Micro Magic European championships 2024

Post by Geert264 »

Zeilers kunnen zich voor het EK inschrijven door een mail te sturen naar mmsailinginternational@gmail.com.
Na 1 mei zal MMI een selectie maken volgens de procedure beschreven in de NOR. Vervolgens worden de resterende plaatsen tot 31 juli toegewezen volgens het principe wie het eerst komt, het eerst maalt.
Tot nu toe hebben de volgende zeilers zich aangemeld:

Sailors can register for the EC by sending an email to mmsailinginternational@gmail.com.
After May 1st MMI will make a selection according to the procedure described in the NOR. Then, the remaining places are allocated in a first come, first serve format, until July 31th.
Until now, the following sailors have registered:

1 Karl Overdick GER 896
2 Stefan Giefers GER 468
3 Rian Rubingh NED 504
4 Udo Reutter GER A-55
5 Heinz Schlager GER 112
6 Geert Middel NED 264
7 Marc Teuwen BEL 914
8 Erik Teuwen BEL 74
9 Alex Kuppens BEL 579
10 Luc Teuwen BEL 35
11 Martin Clemens GER 30
12 Elmer Boon NED 1984
13 Jan de Best NED 2552
14 Jan Hyk CZE 138
15 Pierre Guex SUI 15
16 Camille Guex SUI 28
17 Klaas Spaargaren NED 118
18 Johan Teuwen BEL 800
19 Uwe Richterich GER 239
20 Leonard van Avesaath NED 775
21 Frank van der Zwan NED 1
Last edited by Geert264 on 10 Sep 2024, 17:20, edited 17 times in total.
Posts: 68
Joined: 11 Jun 2017, 23:19

Re: Micro Magic European championships 2024

Post by Geert264 »


The winner gets this challange cup (a beatufull halfscale of a Micromagic) until the next EC:
There is also a Team challange cup, for the country with the top 3 sailors with the least points:
Last edited by Geert264 on 13 Mar 2024, 22:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Micro Magic European championships 2024

Post by Geert264 »

Hello Friends,

The end of the 1st phase of the registration for 2024 European Championship regatta is coming to a close. If you want to participate, and want to be guaranteed for a spot, make sure you register before the 1st of may. After that, the registration is still open, but in a in a "first come, first serve" format.

The regatta will be on (Fri Sept 6), Sat. Sept 7, and Sun Sept 8/2024 at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, Netherlands. This will be a fabulous regatta with lots of high caliber competition! For details see the MMI site.

If you want to compete, Mail your registration to mmsailinginternational@gmail.com.

Kind regards, Geert, on behalf of the MMI office
Last edited by Geert264 on 22 Apr 2024, 23:11, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 68
Joined: 11 Jun 2017, 23:19

Re: Micro Magic European championships 2024

Post by Geert264 »

Phase 1 of the registration for 2024 European Championship is closed. We are happy to see that 22 sailors have registered until now: 6 Dutch, 6 German, 5 Belgian, 3 Swiss, 1 Spanish, 1 Chzech and 1 all the way from the USA.

From now till July 31 24:00h, the registration is open in a "first come, first serve" format until we have 44 participants. If you know anyone who would like to compete, tell them to sent an email to mm sailing international to apply for participation.
Last edited by Geert264 on 04 May 2024, 13:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2017, 23:19

Re: Micro Magic European championships 2024

Post by Geert264 »

MMEC 2024 results final.JPG
Last edited by Geert264 on 10 Sep 2024, 17:12, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 68
Joined: 11 Jun 2017, 23:19

Re: Micro Magic European championships 2024

Post by Geert264 »

Last edited by Geert264 on 11 Sep 2024, 22:31, edited 6 times in total.
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